Remote Teaching Quick Guide

The matrix below indicates the remote options for completing some typical activities professors usually have in their face-to-face courses.

* Please NOTE: The matrix is linked to CSUN supported tools (for example, Canvas and Zoom). If you’re using a non-CSUN Learning management System, this page also features user guides for alternative LMS platforms.

Teaching Activities in ClassRemote EquivalentThings to Consider
If you want to make Announcements to the entire classYou can create an Announcement in Canvas. Announcements show up at the top of the course page as well as sending students an email. 
If you want students to read a FileYou can upload a File in Canvas then add the file to a module. 
If you want students to read a Web Resource or articleYou can add an External URL to a module. 
If you want students to read a Page of information that you createYou can create a Page in Canvas then add the page to a module. 
If you want to give Assignments (Essay Paper, Research Paper, Report)You can create an Assignment in Canvas then add the assignment to a module. Students upload their assignments as files into Canvas. 
If you want students to Submit completed Assignments (and you want to provide feedback)Students can upload their assignments into the Assignment you created in Canvas. You can review the assignment submissions and provide feedback via SpeedGrader. 
If you want students to have DiscussionsYou can create a Discussion Forum in Canvas then add the discussion to a module. Students can have threaded, asynchronous discussions with each other.

You can also imitate discussions during your live class session in Zoom.
Discussion forums can be graded or non-graded.
If you want to give Quizzes or SurveysYou can create a Canvas Quiz or Survey then add the quiz or survey to a module 
If you want to Grade Assignments & Provide FeedbackYou can provide feedback and grades via Speed Grader in Canvas. 
If you’d like students to engage in Group ProjectsStudents can meet in Zoom and/or via Discussion Groups.

You can create a Discussion Group in Canvas then add the discussion to a module.
All students, faculty, and staff have free Zoom accounts through CSUN. Students can create their own group meetings in Zoom to meet with classmates.
If you’d like to invite Guest Speakers to classYou may invite any guests to attend your Zoom class sessions online. Simply send them the link to your session. 
If you would like to Conduct a live class remotelyYou can create a Zoom meeting and provide the link to students so your class can meet at its regularly scheduled day and time.You can post the Zoom meeting link in your Canvas site via an announcement so students can simply click the link and join the session in Zoom.
If you would like to have students give Presentations (individual or group)Direct students to give their presentation during a live class session in Zoom. 

Additional Tools and Technology Resources


Desire to Learn
